


八月是爱达荷州令人兴奋的日子 4-H 编程. 我们县的集市大都在这个月举行. 的 4-H exhibits at a county fair are a culmination of a year of hard work on the 4-H 成员的一部分. 为每一个 4-H 一个青年参加的项目他们必须选择项目, 与指导他们的项目负责人一起工作, 完成一个关于项目的演示或演讲, complete all the project requirements and participate in a public exposition. In Idaho, most of the public displays of a project are at the county fair. 在集市上, most projects also have an interview with a judge so the 4-H member can explain what they learned about the project. 为一个项目所做的所有工作, 该会员得到一条缎带作为奖励, 有时更大的奖项和大多数动物项目, 有机会卖掉他们的动物.

集市是家庭的欢乐时光, 4-H volunteers and youth as it is a celebration of the year of learning about their projects.


的 Idaho Community Program supports efforts to help children bounce back from a tumultuous school year through educational activities that support learning and behavioral health.

“这听起来很像4-H,不是吗?UI 扩展负责人吉姆·林德斯特伦(Jim Lindstrom)说 4-H 青少年发展计划.

州政府官员明确表示同意. 的 Idaho Department of 健康 and Welfare program solicited agencies and organizations to submit proposals for activities to help children regain their educational momentum after a pandemic year.

的 4-H youth development program responded with 14 initial proposals for projects. Some will reach across the state, others will focus on the county level. 州政府机构的项目资助了他们所有人.

For generations of state residents, a century-long history of 4-H 俱乐部和活动使 4-H clover one of the nation’s most recognized youth organizations. 的 4-H 青年发展项目现已达到70多个,通过俱乐部活动帮助了爱达荷州的1000名年轻人, after-school programs and informal 科学 education efforts.

的 funding will allow 4-H to fully put into play more educational programs focused on 科学, 技术, 工程, 美术和数学或STEAM项目已经在进行中. 其他公司则努力寻找资金,但没有成功. 还有一些人会提供帮助 4-H 充分发挥已经开展工作的潜力.

An example of the last would include a statewide fleet of 思考制造创造 trailers designed to help schools, clubs and organizations offer children the chance to use high-tech equipment.

“的 original plan was our partners would provide the supplies for the children to do their projects,林德斯特伦说. “的 funding will allow us to send the trailers out with everything youth need for the activities.”

其他项目将配备 4-H educators and UI 扩展 offices with kits to teach groups of young people. 学校或团体将收到这些。”4-H Outside the Box” kits offer lessons focused on specific topics and designed for different age groups.

另一个4-H项目将建立在4-H 健康y Habits” program with ties to federal child nutrition programs and deliver innovative programs. 一个这样的努力, 成功的足球, provided adults to oversee a soccer program that also offered nutrition education along with healthy snacks.

In all the original proposals and three more announced just this week will provide nearly $7 million in funding during the next year. 的 money will launch activities available statewide and regionally, and others for smaller-scale projects in 19 of Idaho’s 44 counties. 所有的县 4-H 项目将在全州范围内得到支持.

林斯特伦说:“这对我们来说是一个游戏规则的改变. “我会说这是前所未有的. In the past we always came up with great ideas and ways to help Idaho’s kids and then we cobbled together support.”

“This support will help us show we can really step up to help youth in urban areas as well as in our rural areas,他说.



所有的县 4-H programs in Idaho have the opportunity to choose from one or all of the following program options that include fun, 为青少年准备的活动套餐. Call your local UI 扩展 office for more information or contact any of the 4-H faculty listed below. 因为爱达荷州卫生和福利部门的拨款, 这些活动和项目是免费提供给你的, 家庭, 县项目和社区合作伙伴.

我们很高兴你能和 4-H:点燃你的火花(pdf). Consider partnering with local community youth programs to ignite youth sparks. 联络Tim Ewers (tewers@v11555.com)提问或索取更多资料.


4-H Outside the Box are creative learning labs in a box with six to eight sequential hands-on activities focused on building critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Boxes contain materials and supplies for Junior Master Gardeners, 科学, 基本的烹饪和视觉艺术活动. Pick your favorite topic box or all boxes for a club, afterschool, day camp or 家庭 at home. ——南希·谢尔斯塔德 shelstad@v11555.com



思考制造创造 labs explore creativity, design and 工程 through making and tinkering activities. 的se hands-on materials will challenge and test your skills of problem solving, 协作和批判性思维. Choose from a variety of activities that youth can make and take from any out-of-school program. ——克莱尔·斯Sponseller csponseller@v11555.com


健康习惯 are hands-on activities that teach youth healthy snack preparation, basic kitchen skills and how to select foods that are healthy for them and their 家庭. 八课结束后, youth will receive a family take-home bag with kitchen tools and ingredients to prepare two snacks. Option: 4-H leaders may offer 健康y Habits as a 4-H project. ——莫林·图米 mtoomey@v11555.com


4-H建设项目能力 — Do you have an idea to expand your local 4-H program to incorporate new content or audiences? 我们将与您合作,使您的想法成为现实. ——罗宾·鲍姆加特纳 rbaumgartner@v11555.com

Animal Science Lesson Plans help volunteers deliver quality program

  • UI扩展4-H青年发展 created animal 科学 lessons plans that were grab-and-go guides for volunteers to use in their clubs. 阅读4-H志愿者如何发现这些课程很有帮助 动物科学课程计划(pdf).

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